RSF Pastured Heritage Turkeys
Taste the heritage difference.
What makes a turkey "heritage"?
Heritage breed turkeys retain historic characteristics that are no longer present in the majority of turkeys:
They can naturally mate and reproduce without artificial insemination.
They can run, fly and thrive outdoors in conditions that more closely match the natural behavior and life cycle of wild turkeys.
They have a relatively long lifespan and a much slower growth rate than turkeys bred for industrial agriculture.
What makes our natural turkey special:
Standard Bronze turkeys are recognized by Slow Food in their Ark of Taste, a catalogue designed to preserve at-risk foods that are sustainably produced, unique in taste, and part of a distinct ecoregion.
Our pastured turkey spend most of their lives on fresh pasture expressing their "turkey-ness"—foraging for insects, running, flying, sunbathing or resting in the shade.
Our birds are not altered in any way—no beak trimming or wing clipping.
We supplement their foraging with nonGMO grain freshly ground from a small, local mill.
We use only natural means to prevent parasites and improve immunity—apple cider vinegar, garlic, cayenne pepper and vitamin E oil.
Ironically we must eat these birds to save them—if they are not economically viable they will fade into extinction. We're doing our part—will you help us?
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Give us a call
60 Williamstown Road
Lanesborough, MA 01237